Kemerovo Machine-Building Plant is the only manufacturer in Kuzbass of local ventilation fans and scraper winches.
The main strategic objectives of this enterprise, established in 2005, are the production, modernization and overhaul of mining equipment.
Among the customers of Kemerovo Machine-Building Plant LLC, there are more than 70 enterprises, including coal mining, gold mining and diamond mining companies. In addition to the enterprises of the Kuzbass region, Kemmash products are purchased by enterprises of the Yakutsk, Magadan regions, the Kamchatka Territory, the Republic of Buryatia and other regions.
Kemmash LLC products and services consumers are such large companies operating in the Kuzbass as SUEK OJSC, Yuzhkuzbassugol Management Company, SDS-Ugol, Raspadskaya Coal Company CJSC, North Kuzbass Coal Company OJSC ; Gold mining company Polyus of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and other enterprises.
The newly created enterprise purchased modern equipment for production equipment – numerically controlled machines, a plasma and gas-oxygen cutting machine, a sandblasting machine for processing parts. The technical potential of Kemmash LLC allows producing high-quality competitive, reliable products. The plant is staffed with highly qualified personnel.
The strategy of the machine-building enterprise is constant cooperation with consumers. Today, the management of LLC Kemmash, specialists of the plant
they are engaged in the modernization of mining equipment in close cooperation directly with the leaders of mining companies, chief mechanics, site mechanics, in order to take into account the specifics of each particular enterprise.
Local ventilation fans VME-6, VME-8, VME-2-10, VME-12 manufactured by Kemmash LLC, in accordance with their sizes, are mobile for passage in mine workings and have a high efficiency. A factory warranty for this equipment is valid for a year.
All equipment is equipped with electric motors from reliable suppliers.
Winches used to move the rock mass during mining are also in demand in gold and diamond mines. The convenience of the partnership with Kemmash LLC also lies in the fact that the plant works with consumers of its products for warranty and post-warranty service. Specialists of this engineering plant are always ready to go to the enterprise if it is necessary to eliminate the problem associated with the operation of mining equipment.
One of the main areas of production activity of Kemmash LLC is the overhaul of mining equipment. The company offers overhaul of more than 50 types of equipment.
High-quality overhaul and modernization of equipment extend its life and, most importantly, increase reliability. In the system with the participation of Rostekhnadzor, an expert review of industrial safety of manufactured and repaired equipment is carried out. Examination of any equipment can also be carried out at the request of the customer – this is an objective opportunity to make sure that the products of the plant comply with the established GOSTs of the Russian Federation and are fully ready for production work.
The products of Kemerovo Machine-Building Plant LLC are in stable demand not only in Kuzbass, but also far beyond its borders. According to enterprises, mining equipment manufactured by Kemmash is distinguished by its ease of use and reliable operation.
The company management considers the main task of professional activity – to meet the needs and requirements of consumers; work on the introduction of modern technologies. In the future, it is also planned to produce new types of mining equipment for coal mining enterprises.
Specialists of Kemerovo Engineering Plant LLC are always happy to communicate with consumers of the company’s products.