Kemerovo Engineering Plant "KemMash"

Kemerovo Machine-Building Plant is the only manufacturer in Kuzbass of local ventilation fans, scraper winches. The main strategic objectives of this enterprise, established in 2005, are the production, modernization and overhaul of mining equipment.

Among the customers of Kemerovo Machine-Building Plant LLC, there are more than 70 enterprises, including coal mining, gold mining and diamond mining companies. In addition to the enterprises of the Kuzbass region, Kemmash products are purchased by enterprises of the Yakutsk, Magadan regions, the Kamchatka region, the Republic of Buryatia and other regions.

Consumers of products and services of LLC Kemmash are such large companies operating in the Kuzbass as OJSC SUEK ”, UK“ Yuzhkuzbassugol ”,“ SDS-Ugol ”, CJSC“ Raspadskaya Coal Company ”, OJSC“ Coal Company “Northern Kuzbass”; Gold mining company Polyus of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and other enterprises.

The newly created enterprise purchased modern equipment for production equipment - numerically controlled machines, a plasma and gas-oxygen cutting machine, a sandblasting machine for processing parts. The technical potential of Kemmash LLC allows producing high-quality competitive, reliable products. The plant is staffed with highly qualified personnel.

The only manufacturer in Kuzbass of local ventilation fans, scraper winches.
Throughout Russia, we have many partners. Details of our partners
We always give a guarantee for our equipment.